JEE main being India’s most popular and competitive engineering entrance exams it is very beneficial to take the JEE Main Online Mock Test Series for practise which will help students qualify for the exam with better scores. Millions of engineering aspirants across the country are attracted by JEE Mains. Students are benefited in numerous ways by the JEE Main Mock Test Series, like getting a real-time exam feeling, improving time-management and difficulty level of the examination. The most important tool of preparation for JEE are Mock tests. It enables the students to get hold of the exam pattern in the right manner, analyse their own performance, find areas that they are lacking and most importantly learn time and pressure management. In order to meet all your needs by experts in their field these tests are prepared. Mock tests are formed in such a way that students will have good exposure to real time examinations which will help in getting familiar with the type of questions asked in the final examination. So there is no specific approach for solving mock tests but it depends upon the learning of the candidate. So if you are done with your syllabus of JEE then it is recommended that you should start solving different mock tests and sample papers.
All the necessary information regarding the JEE Main Mock Test will be provided in this Article.
It is recommended for students to stick to a single source and not refer to multiple books and study materials because that will lead to confusion. The key for efficient exam preparation is Solving Previous Years i.e. the last 15 years Question Papers, taking Mock tests and Practise tests. By doing this students will be able to identify weakness, analyse mistakes and correct them. This will boost the confidence of students and lead to examination temperament.
Some of the key reasons to take JEE Main Mock Tests are listed down below:
- Managing the time: It is recommended to take a mock test regularly before the exam which will help students to manage time across different sections and different kinds of questions.
- Examination Pattern: Talking about different types of questions, taking mock tests familiarizes students with the wide variety of question types that might be encountered in the examination. It is important for students to get a grasp of the exam pattern at a very early stage.
- Mistakes must be identified: JEE Main is a very crucial, tough and competitive that allows very little room for mistakes which is why mock tests are very important. Students make mistakes at an early stage so they can learn from them and strategize properly by practicing the JEE Main mock tests.
- Better Preparation by Students: Solving mock tests combined with previous year papers will help students gain confidence in their exam preparation to score better.
- Computer Based Test: It is recommended for students to solve JEE Main mock test to become familiar with online, computer based test which will help in taking the test on the final exam day.
- The Level of Difficulty of JEE Main must be known: By solving mock test papers, students will understand difficulty level of JEE Main and prepare for the exam accordingly.
- Stress management: Stress management while solving papers is as important as time management. Generally, it is recommended to solve easy questions first in order to gain confidence as this would help the student feel comfortable and boost confidence during exams.
- Accuracy: Since, JEE contains many questions which have negative marking, accuracy is very important while solving the paper. Many students tend to commit silly mistakes and calculation mistakes during exams. When attempting mock tests, it should be understood that the type of mistakes one tends to make and minimize it. This can help gain extra valuable marks. Rechecking some of the solved questions instead is also recommended, to improve accuracy and fetch a good number of correct marks. If during the exam it is felt that there are many difficult questions, do not feel that they are unsolvable. If they are tough for you, they are tougher for others too and tougher for many others, so keep calm and go ahead.
IQ of the student, willingness to work hard, the current level of understanding of concepts depends on the amount of practice done by students. It is recommended to take 6-12 tests depending on the time left before the exam. It is advisable for students to take at least one full syllabus test every weekend and ideally take the JEE Main mock test between 10 o’clock to 1 o’clock as that is when the actual JEE Main exam is conducted. However, there are a few ways that can be generalized for all the students.
- Start with a full syllabus test and analyse it: Once done with the syllabus, it is recommended to take a full syllabus JEE Main mock test and analyse your performance.
- Most comfortable subject must be chosen: It is strongly advisable to start mocks with different subjects. As you analyse your mocks, you will get an idea about your most comfortable subject, which can attempt the fastest with a higher accuracy. A tip to consider is to begin with the easiest subject as per individual preference, thus keeping more time for the difficult subjects.
- Quantity should not matter: Number of students make a mistake of taking many mocks or taking a single mock every day. It is recommended to give a lesser number of tests and properly analyse the mistakes in those, to actually improve performance rather than focusing on giving a lot of JEE Main mock tests. Overloading by attempting a lot of tests is not advisable.
It is important to remember students should have completed the syllabus before attempting for the JEE Main mock test. It is also important to remember one thing, every JEE main paper will be very moderate and lists a number of questions to choose from. Learn to pick questions first then solve them. Work smart because it’s too late to work harder.