Some useful study strategies that may be of assistance to you in efficiently preparing for the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry board exam are as follows:
- Learn the fundamentals:
Start your study using the NCERT textbook for Class 12 since it will assist you in preparing for the Board exam from the beginning.
There are a few things you should keep in mind while studying from the NCERT Chemistry textbook, and they are as follows:
First and foremost, you should familiarise yourself with the philosophy behind each issue.
- Preparing notes side by side with a subject while reading it is a good idea.
- Try examples and in-between questions that are relevant to the subject once you have covered it in detail. Continue in the same manner until you have completed the full chapter.
- As a result, you won’t break a sweat while completing the back exercise questions, which are almost identical to the examples provided throughout the chapter.
- For those who are having trouble with a particular question, you might consult the website that has the whole NCERT answers.
- Sample papers and prior year’s papers may be used for practise:
Examiners follow a pattern of recurrence for particular essential questions over a number of years, which is why it is very vital to read through prior years’ papers before sitting for an exam. If possible, underline the most relevant portions and often encountered themes so that you may quickly review them the day before your test.
Having a solid foundation and practical knowledge helps you improve your problem-solving abilities, which will show up in your performance when you are asked to tackle prior year questions or issues from practise papers. Following completion of the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Term-wise Revised Syllabus your strategy should be to try as many sample papers as feasible.
- Preparation from NCERT textbooks is the most significant element of the preparation process:
Students who are poor in Mathematics and calculation focus more on Organic Chemistry. Chemistry is a topic with a high grade point average. As shown by the last several years’ Chemistry exam papers, it has been discovered that all questions are either directly or indirectly derived from the NCERT textbooks. Consequently, NCERT books should be studied in the appropriate way, and it is important to remember that there is no replacement for hard work. Every student who wishes to earn higher grades in Chemistry should take Organic Chemistry, which carries 18 points and is one of the most essential units in the subject of Chemistry.
Several questions and subjects from NCERT textbooks appear in a significant portion of the CBSE exam papers. For best results on your Chemistry paper, cover all of the subjects, including diagrams and graphs, before moving on to solved examples and practise problems.
Maintain a running list of the most significant and difficult questions while doing so, and put a reference book next to your NCERT textbooks for quick explanation on complicated themes.
Because the number of questions may seem daunting at first, you may choose to start with chapters that carry the most weight under the various divisions.
- Concentrate on numericals, name responses, and the final result:
The most significant limitation while writing any test is time. While attempting a descriptive question may appear feasible at the time, not only does it tend to take a long time, but it also does not guarantee full marks at the end of it, because you can always miss out on some keywords or important points, while also compromising on other answers, if you do not do it correctly.
- As many numericals as you can from chapters such as ‘Electrochemistry’ should be practised.
- Concentrate on the name reactions in Organic Chemistry.
- In chapters such as ‘p-Block Elements’ from Inorganic Chemistry, the product, its characteristics, and its anomalous behaviour are highlighted.
- Consider reactions with names like Williamson, Wolff-Kishner, Hell Volhard Zelinsky, and Clemmensen reduction while studying chemistry.
- Writing abilities are quite crucial:
There’s generally a lot of substance to write while still staying within the constraints of the allotted time. Writing and solving equations in practise not only improves your speed and confidence, but it also helps you to grasp the keywords and highlights that should be included in a solution when you submit it.
It is important in Organic Chemistry to provide the names of the reactants and products since this helps to strengthen the credibility of the solution. A student’s ability to do neat work is an unassailable attribute that is always advantageous.
When writing lengthy and comprehensive responses, always strive to put them in bullet points, followed by labelled diagrams that serve as visual aids to help with comprehension.
A similar approach should be used to give a comparative study. These little details may help to distinguish your response script from the others.
- Preparation of end-of-chapter materials:
“Biomolecules,” “Polymers,” and “Chemistry in daily life” have all been recognised as leftover chapters carrying 10 marks, which are often ignored by the vast majority of students in the course.
These three chapters, on the other hand, have the potential to be very scoring. Students may make brief notes from these chapters in a tabular format so that they can revisit them whenever they want during the last week before the test, without losing the time that would otherwise be spent on more essential and complicated subjects.
- Self-assessment:
Inevitably, anxiety builds up as a result of the preparation and studying required to pass a test or examination.
It is only reasonable to be disappointed by your lack of preparation or your inability to accelerate your learning pace; nevertheless, you should not make yourself feel too bad about it. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can recognise your deficiencies and commit more time to correcting them.
- Managing Your Time:
The reading time is the most important and must be spent wisely. If you are stuck on a question, give yourself some breathing room and keep going.
A Chemistry question paper is seldom long, but you never know what the future holds. Develop the practise of answering questions as rapidly as possible so that you have enough time to review your answer sheet in the Class 12 Board Chemistry test. When it comes to numerical problems, speed and precision should go hand in hand.