
A Modern Flexible Refurbishment Choice


With many businesses having to adapt and change their premises to meet numerous problems, both good and bad, an increasing number are choosing to use some form of an office partitioning system. This flexible space divider has quickly installed options for any budget or situation. When combined with changes in other areas such as lighting or décor, it can bring welcome increases in staff happiness and productivity.

Beginning Your Search

Having decided to invest in a partitioning system, when choosing one, it can be challenging to know where to start; you might know or already have a stationery or office furniture supplier who may offer office partitions. If so great, if not, then an excellent place to start is with a local internet search, using your preferred search engine type in office partitioning Gloucester, for example, substituting your local town or city. The search should produce a wealth of suppliers offering the installation of partitioning systems, take some time to investigate some of them, taking the details of any which you prefer. It is important to remember that just because a company sits at the top of an internet search does not mean it is the best; crosscheck your preferred choices with consumer websites such as Trustpilot and Feefo, they can give you a good idea of how well their past clients rate them.

The Available Options

Office partitioning systems are manufactured in several different materials, each having properties that lend themselves well to the job required; they are both affordable and practical. The partition options typically fall into three categories which are –

  • Drywall partitions – this system pairs an aluminium framework with layered plasterboard panels; when used to divide an ample open space into smaller, more useable areas. It has excellent soundproofing properties while being at the more affordable end of the market.
  • Glass Partitions – increasing popular, it uses glass to spread natural light throughout a workspace giving a modern, sleek look. Available in single- or double-glazed partitions with specialist acoustic or banded glass also an option it can be the solution in any situation.
  • Demountable partition is a flexible choice as it is quick to install a non-permanent partition that you can move whenever the business demands change. Available as either drywall or glass options, they also benefit from being tax-deductible in some cases.

One of these systems may suit your workspace more than others, investigate some possible options and consider if you also need to change other areas of your premises.

Areas For Consideration

As I have briefly mentioned earlier, there are areas of the office that you can revitalise relatively cheaply. A change of décor utilising an uplifting range of colours can work well, adding or increasing the numbers of office plants. You can also improve the lighting; modern LED lights can now replicate natural light, which is crucial in maintaining a good standard of employee well-being. You can also enhance other workspace areas such as kitchens and break areas with some inexpensive modern colourful furniture.

Having made your decisions, contact your chosen suppliers; it’s good practice to get at least four or five quotations for your refurb then you can proceed to make your choice.

I hope this short piece has given you some good ideas for progressing with your office refurbishment, and you will be able to create a great working environment for your staff and visiting clients.