Online training programs are generally more valued compared to regular online training experiences. Since corporate learners can get something tangible to evidence their efforts, this helps motivate them even more. Even then, your True Office Learning online compliance training course needs to be attainable and recognizable. Also, employees should be able to complete the course on their own, without having to access your physical premises. While the experience will take place virtually, the online training must be recognizable as any course done in-person by corporate learners
Explain the requirements so employees can focus on the finishing line
Your teams must know what the True Office Learning compliance training involves and how they can participate. For instance, which training activities they should have completed for them to take the final exam. This helps them monitor their progress or even break down the end goal into smaller attainable milestones. Employees are also able to set a completion timeline which makes it easy for them to complete. However, it’s important that learners tick off each required item on the course checklist to attain the course goals.
Make online training convenient and easily accessible
Although online training needs an internet connection, having an offline component can be advantageous. That’s because it allows corporate learners to take the course even when they don’t have an internet connection. Employees can log on and download learning materials and even do test modules. Also, structure much of your online training material so that learners can access it without using a live web connection. You should also translate the online training program or even embed an auto-translation tool for the international audience. Again, use appropriate scenarios that are relevant to their field of work and include examples from employees’ “base stations”.
Involve employees in the eLearning development process
Encourage employees to share those topics that should be covered in your corporate online training and their performance will be evaluated. For instance, which skills they must acquire so they improve workplace productivity. Look at the gamification rewards to use to help motivate and match with their personality traits. Encourage employees to actively contribute to the designing and development process of the eLearning so you can personalize the whole online training experience.
Use big data
You’ll only have contact with corporate learners’ in-course. Therefore gather as much Big Data as possible. Embed metrics as well for analytics systems into the online training program. This way, employees are continually giving you feedback, even if they don’t know it. Identify modules or assessments that learners seem to have a tough time with. Constantly improve and adjust your online training, adding real-time updates as they occur. Note that remote workers could be in different localities and regions. But your research will help you identify who you’re developing your online course for.
Online training programs work well for remote workers. However, you must ensure that the online training is valid and valuable. Adapt your online training for the specific workforce location and requirements to make it more effective.